It looks like everyone is going to be spending a good bit of time at home due to the Coronavirus social distancing mandate. I know that for some people, the thought of being cooped up in the house all day seems like a modern day form of torture.
Personally, I love being home and can happily binge watch shows for 12 hours. However, as heavenly as that sounds now, I will hit my breaking point and go stir crazy. So, I compiled a list of things to keep you busy, and they’re way more productive than binge watching TV. A lot of these things I’ve had on my to-do list for awhile and haven’t gotten around to it, so now’s the perfect time.
Throw away expired makeup
This is something that you should be doing regularly, but especially now given the current climate. Check out this blog post to see the expiration dates you need to know. Pro Tip: Type the expiration date into a label maker, print out and add to the product so you know exactly when to throw it away.
Take this time to organize. I know I will be. Organize your bathroom cabinet, pantry, hall closet, makeup, holiday decor. Organize everythingggg.
Unsubscribe from emails
When you’ve scrolled through all the social media you can handle, switch over to your emails and unsubscribe. Your future self will thank you.
Delete old photos and screenshots
This has been my list for awhile. I have 28,000 photos on my phone. (Yes, you read that right.) And honestly, half of them are random dumb screenshots and photo outtakes I don’t need. Also, love that this can be done from the comfort of your couch.
Learn a new skill
Take the time to learn something that you’ve always wanted to learn, whether that’s a makeup look, how to curl your hair, a new recipe, calligraphy. I have several tutorials on my IGTV if you want to learn a new makeup look.
Learn Tiktok
It’s not going away, so you might as well learn it. I was against it at first, but now I’m obsessed, and even posting videos. Also, this is definitely a platform that you can get on in for HOURS.
Pamper Yourself
Actually relax. Yes, the title of this blog has the word “productive” in it, but taking time for yourself makes you a better person, which makes you more productive. Take a bath. Do a face mask. Do your nails.
Closet clean out
I rotate my closet twice a year. Meaning, I swap out my fall/winter clothes for spring/summer and vice versa. Springs right around the corner so now would be the perfect time to get started and also get rid of the things you no longer wear. You can also check out my blog post on Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Bedroom.
Post things to Poshmark
After you clean out your closet, post gently used products to Poshmark. I feel like I always have a pile of clothes that I never get around to post because it’s time consuming to take good photos and writing descriptions, but it will make a difference in if your product sells or not.
Learn a new language
I’ve been using Duolingo recently, and it’s actually kinda fun. I’m terrible at languages (like actually terrible). I think i took at least 8 years of Spanish, and can say “Hola,” but Duolingo is an app on your phone and has game-like teachings.
Do the less obvious cleaning
Everyone is obviously cleaning like crazy right now, but there are a ton of things that are probably falling to the weigh-side. Take the time do you the cleaning that you don’t do in a normal week like, the oven, taking everything out of the fridge and wiping it down, washing the windows, etc.
It will help make you feel less stir crazy. Plus, there are tons of free workouts online to follow.