In order to keep your makeup safe and effective, it’s important to know when it’s time to say goodbye. This can be hard if you sent a lot of money on it, or didn’t really use it, but using expired makeup can lead to a lot of issues that aren’t really worth it. No one wants to get clogged pores or an eye infection just because you can’t let go. In order to get the longest life out of your products, you need to make sure you know how to deep clean your makeup.

Pro Tip:
Use a label maker to add the expiration date to products when you open them, so you never have to question when it’s time to throw something away. For example, if you buy a foundation with a pump in June 2020, make your label say June ’21.
Mascara: 3-6 months
*In order to get the full life out, don’t pump the tube with air. This dries it out, and pumps more bacteria in.
Gel eyeliner: 6 months
Miceller water: 6 months
Foundation with a pump: 1 year
Foundation in a pot or open pour: 6 months
Toner: 6 months – 1 year
Cleanser: 1 year
Pencil Eyeliner: 1 year
Lipgloss: 1 year
Powder and Blush: 2 years
Brow pencil: 2 years
Eyeshadow: 2 years
Lipstick: 2 years
Perfume: 8-10 years
*Store in a cool, dark place for longest results.