I made this photo display from a hoola hoop for my sister’s bridal shower. If you want to check out the full shower recap, click here.
The project was super easy. I got 4×4 pictures printed in black and white from Walgreens. Photos were 50% off and including some 4x6s and 5x7s I got for frames, photos ended up being around $9. The greenery I got was 60% off from Jo Ann’s. Each piece cost no more than $3. I also got the spray paint ($10), white ribbon ($4) and floral wire ($4) at Jo Ann’s. I did five on the bottom and three on the top. The hoop was $6 from Walmart.
What you need:
- Hoola Hoop
- White ribbon
- Flower wire
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Rose gold spray paint
- Floral
- Packing tape
- Photos

1. Take off any plastic on the hoola hoop and spray paint with your color of choice.

2. Lay the dried hoop on the floor, and place the photos. Lay the white ribbon over the center of the photos, and mark with a pencil where the ribbon should be glued.

3. Attach the ribbon with a hot glue gun. Make sure it’s taught, but not too tight or it will bend the hoop and change the shape.

4. Place your floral cattycornered. I used five pieces for the bottom and three for the top. Adhere piece by piece using a hot glue gun. On sections where I had several stems glued onto the same area, I wrapped floral wire around it to hold it secure.

5. Lay out your picture again on top of the white ribbon. I adhered using a glue stick. The glue stick isn’t strong enough to hold the photos on, but it’s strong enough to keep them in place for when you flip over.
6. I flipped over and put a piece of clear packing tape across the back to adhere.

Viola! Super easy and really pretty. If you have the wall space, you can also do some smaller hoops without pictures.