Drunk Elephant products have slowly started taking over my skincare routine. They are pricey, but my acne-prone and sensitive skin has been loving them. So, when DE launched I brand new hydrating mask, I knew I wanted to try it. Also, it being the middle of winter and my skin being pretty dry, I knew it was the perfect time to test this product out.
About The Mask
It’s messaged as a “cooling, hydrating overnight mask that plumps with an electrolyte cocktail while supporting the skin’s natural acid mantle” and retails for $52.
This mask is supposed to be worn overnight as the last step in your skincare routine. For the last two years, I have religiously been using Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask for this step in my routine. You can check out my review of the Jet Lag Mask here.
I love how clean and simple DE’s packaging is. Their products are easily recognizable and the different color tops make it easy for me to grab the product I’m looking for. However, I don’t like this style of packaging because you can’t travel with it. Because it’s a push top with no lid, this would end up getting all over your stuff when transporting it. It does come with a little plastic thing that goes on the tip to stop the product from coming out, but it’s so tiny and clear that I lost it within a couple days.
First Impression
The mask feels less like a mask and more like a light moisturizer. I was expecting it to be a little thicker. The consistency is similar to their Protini moisturizer (which I love!).
Even though the directions say to use in your nighttime skin routine, I also wanted to test it in the morning and under my makeup since I’m able to use the Jet Lag Mask in so many versatile ways, and my hope was that these two would be interchangeable.
I followed the directions first and the next morning my skin felt hydrated. Not like my skin just drank a gallon of water, but it did feel hydrated.
The Verdict
After a few days of using it, I noticed my skin began to freak out. It looked like I had an allergic reaction to something because it almost looked like a mix of acne and hives. I am used to breakouts, but this was something totally different.
I was able to eliminate my diet and hormonal changes from being the cause. I hadn’t been sleeping in my makeup or altered any of my makeup or skincare routine. Unfortunately, it was the F-Balm mask.
I returned it to Sephora a week after purchasing.
It took my skin several weeks to recover. Yes, several weeks. I’ve had no other reactions since my skin cleared up, which confirmed my suspicions that it was the mask.
Unfortunately, this mask is a hard no from me, and I’ll continue to use my beloved Summer Friday Jet Lag Mask.