Knowing what makeup brushes to use makes all the difference in how you look turns out. It’s the difference between a well-blended smokey eye and looking like you slept in your makeup after a night out.
A lot of times when I talk to people that are struggling with their makeup, I find that it’s not their lack of skill, it’s actually that they aren’t using the right brushes. Most times it’s because they are brushes are too big for the area. So, I wanted to create a simple guide to help.
While there are so many additional styles out there, and more than one way to use these brushes, these are the styles that beginners are most-likely to come across. Also, if you’re new to makeup, you can use this as a shopping list to stock your kit.
Click HERE to learn how to clean your makeup brushes, and HERE to see some specific brushes I have in my kit and recommend.
Here’s a guide to the most commonly used brushes.

Here are some affordable brush brands for beginners.